Ranveer Singh Files Police Case After Deepfake Video Goes Viral

In a shocking incident, Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has filed a police case after a deepfake video featuring him went viral on social media platforms. The video, which was manipulated using artificial intelligence technology, has raised concerns about the growing threat of deepfakes and the potential harm they can cause.

Deepfake Video: A Dangerous Trend

Deepfake videos have become a dangerous trend in recent years, as they allow anyone with access to the right tools and software to create realistic fake videos. These videos use AI algorithms to superimpose one person’s face onto another person’s body, creating a convincing but entirely fabricated video.

The implications of deepfakes are far-reaching and pose serious risks to individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. They can be used to spread misinformation, damage reputations, and even incite violence. The case of Ranveer Singh serves as a stark reminder of the potential harm that deepfakes can cause.

Ranveer Singh’s Response

Upon discovering the deepfake video featuring him, Ranveer Singh took to Instagram to warn his followers about the dangers of deepfakes. He wrote, “Deepfake se bacho doston” (Friends, beware of deepfakes) alongside a screenshot of the video. His response highlights the need for awareness and vigilance in the face of this emerging threat.

By filing a police case, Ranveer Singh is taking a stand against the creators and distributors of the deepfake video. This action sends a strong message that such malicious activities will not be tolerated and that legal consequences await those who engage in them.

The Legal Battle Against Deepfakes

The rise of deepfakes has prompted lawmakers and legal experts to address the issue and explore potential solutions. While legislation around deepfakes is still in its early stages, there is a growing recognition of the need to establish legal frameworks to combat this threat.

One of the challenges in dealing with deepfakes is the difficulty in identifying the creators and distributors of these videos. The anonymous nature of the internet makes it challenging to hold individuals accountable for their actions. However, with the increasing sophistication of AI and forensic technologies, experts are making progress in developing tools to detect and authenticate deepfake videos.

As the legal battle against deepfakes continues, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant and proactive. Education and awareness campaigns can help people identify and report deepfake videos, minimizing their impact and preventing further harm.

Protecting Yourself from Deepfakes

While the responsibility to combat deepfakes lies with lawmakers, technology companies, and law enforcement agencies, individuals can also take steps to protect themselves from falling victim to these malicious videos.

Here are some measures you can take to safeguard yourself:

  1. Be cautious of videos that appear too good to be true or seem out of character for the person involved.
  2. Verify the source of the video before sharing it or believing its contents.
  3. Stay informed about the latest developments in deepfake technology and learn how to identify signs of manipulation.
  4. Report any suspicious videos to the respective social media platforms or local authorities.
  5. Support organizations and initiatives that are working towards combating deepfakes and promoting digital literacy.

By staying informed and taking these precautions, you can play a part in mitigating the impact of deepfakes and protecting yourself and others from their harmful effects.


The case of Ranveer Singh filing a police case after a deepfake video featuring him went viral serves as a wake-up call to the dangers posed by deepfakes. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial for individuals, organizations, and governments to work together to address this growing threat.

By raising awareness, implementing legal frameworks, and developing detection tools, we can strive to minimize the harm caused by deepfakes and protect the integrity of our digital world.


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